Variable Hub is a very ambitious app that keeps track of your certifications and helps businesses keep track of certifications their employees require.
As the UI/UX designer, I was tasked with constantly changing requirements and direction, which I feel gave me quite an experience boost.
I was responsible for creating the brand and logo for Variable at this time.
This first image is the dashboard that a user would see when they login.

This image shows the requirements for a specific employee at a initiative (job site or other) in your business and accepting or denying their certification to meet the given requirements.
The app also has a built in organization chart viewer which was exceptionally tricky to build into a website.
The graph allows you to look through your entire organization and perform actions on employees and initiatives all in one easy to use view.

Some more images showing various states of the app like empty states for an initiative, connection and invite screens, filters and notification banners.

I was able to have some fun with the logo and use it in some animations.
The animation on the left is used when logging into the website in place of a loading spinner.
The second is used during signup to visually represent each signup step.