Haztech required a booking system be built for Covid vaccines that would be responsive to any device.
They also required a portal that staff could login to to manage bookings, patients and locations.
Health related systems are always quite complex and proved a challenging task to solve while keeping it simple to the staff who are already busy.
Below is a mockup of the staff portal that was implemented.
In any normal situation, staff selected a day, a patient and had all of the information and actions for that patient on the right, all in the same view.
Here are some images of the system that was implemented for the patient facing side of the app.
Straight forward booking (with a lot of fields since it's health related) and a pin of what location you're booking at always on top of the page in case you want to change it throughout the process.
I have also included a video showing some examples of how the responsiveness of the app works seamlessly throughout different device sizes.